Ultra Simple and Delicious Sautéed Chard

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Wild greens with a little olive oil and lemon have always been our favorite salad. And they’re even better when we accompany them with legumes!

In Belgium where we live, we cannot find them, so we enjoy them only when we go back to our home town, Thessaloniki, or when we go on vacation to other parts of Greece.

In order to fill (as much as possible) this gap but also to have other dishes, we have sautéed greens that we can find everywhere. Instead of wild greens, we used chard, and of course, you can use whatever greens you crave and find in the market! You can make combinations of different greens or just one type, as we did this time.

Plant-based milk gives a nice texture and taste and is made very easily! In addition, it is very cheap and you can make a bit more if you want to add it in your coffee or to accompany your cereal.

The water from boiling the greens has a lot of their nutrients, so it is nice to use it if we boil our greens first.

Sautéed Chard

If you want to give an egg flavor to your food, you can achieve this by adding kala namak (black Himalayan salt) to your plate at the end, while serving. Don’t add it while the food is being cooked because it loses its eggness!

In case you do not know this salt, it smells really like an egg!! You will be impressed if you try it!

So, with only a few and simple ingredients that almost everyone has at home, you can make this delicious and easy meal, ready in less than 30 minutes!

Do it and tell us how you liked it, as well as what greens you tried!

Find more recipes in our digital cookbook “Eat Like A Greek Vegan”!

Ultra Simple and Delicious Sautéed Chard

Pelagia & Mary – Greek Appetite
A tasty salad with a few and simple ingredients
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 17 minutes
Total Time 22 minutes
Course Salad
Cuisine greek
Servings 2 people


  • 350 gr chard or other greens, such as spinach, beet leaves, etc.
  • 125 g of sunflower seed milk for homemade one, see recipe below
  • 1 medium onion
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 3-5 tbsp olive oil
  • 130 gr of water in which you boiled the greens
  • 10 dried tomato pieces
  • salt
  • pepper
  • garlic powder
  • turmeric
  • Himalayan black salt – Kala Namak optional for egg flavor
  • 1 tsp soda optional

For the sunflower seed milk

  • 50 gr sunflower seeds
  • 150 gr of water


  • If you want to make your own homemade sunflower seed milk, put the seeds in the blender with water and strain the milk. Keep 125 gr of this plant-based milk.
  • Thoroughly clean the chard or any greens you will use.
  • Optional step: blanching. If you want the greens to have a vivid, bright color, put them in boiling water with soda for 1 minute and then, immediately in cold/icy water for another 1 minute. Keep 130 gr of the water where your greens were boiled for later use.
  • In this water, soak the dried tomatoes.
  • If you do not want to blanch them, cook them directly in the pan (see next steps).
  • Heat olive oil in a pan. Add the chopped onion and garlic and then, a little salt and pepper, garlic powder and turmeric. Sauté them.
  • Continue sautéing by adding the greens coarsely chopped. Stir all the ingredients well.
  • Add the plant-based milk, the tomatoes, and the water from the boiled greens. If you did not boil them, add tap water. Stir all the ingredients well.
  • Let them simmer for about 10 minutes until most of the liquid has evaporated. We want to have a bit of liquid to accompany the bread. 😉
  • Finally, in the serving, you can add Himalayan black salt (Kala Namak) for an egg flavor. 😉
Keyword chard, dried tomato, healthy recipe, salad, vegan

Find more recipes in our digital cookbook “Eat Like A Greek Vegan”!