How many times have you heard that vegans are hypocrites?
And what about questions such as “Why do you eat vegan substitutes if you don’t eat animal products?” or “Well, it seems a bit controversial that you’re a vegan and you’re eating sausages.”?
People who ask these questions are either trolls, who want to intentionally bother and provoke, or people who are genuinely confused about what veganism is.
Let’s discuss the second category who really wants to know what is happening.

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What exactly is veganism?
Veganism is neither a diet, nor a trend, nor a sect (yes, I have heard that too!).
It is a lifestyle that guides you and helps you make decisions regarding food, clothing, etc.
When you become or are already a vegan, you do not consume animals consciously. And the reason is not because you no longer like the taste or the smell of animal products, but because you feel compassion towards them and you do not want them to get abused and exploited. You have now made the connection in your mind and you have chosen to no longer consume sentient creatures.
Since it is not the taste that keeps you away from animal products, but the compassion for the animals, it is very likely that you will want to replace your favorite foods and flavors that contained animal products in the past.
That’s why you try either homemade vegan foods and meals, or ready-made products, or a combination of both.
And that’s why you will see that vegan sausages, burgers, cheeses, etc. are so popular and are embraced by the vegan community.

Let’s not forget that these products show the alternatives that exist for non-vegans and help them in the smooth transition (if they need it) to veganism.
If you are wondering now if there are vegans who do not even want to see or smell products that are very similar to animal ones, I will tell you that of course there are!
The reason we become vegan is always the same, but each of us is different and behaves in their own way.
So the next time someone asks you the question “why, although vegan, you eat vegan substitutes?”, pause for a moment, reflect and if they are worth your answer, then explain to them!
Want to learn more about veganism and how to create balanced vegan meals?
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Er…quite frankly and quite right ref the above article. Thanks yes I think it is unfair of anyone whether they are vegan, vegetarian or meat- eater, to call a person who buys e.g. plant based sausages etc a “hypocrite”, this sort of name -calling is what we could call “bloodymindedness” or “hairsplitting”. Especially if the person who is saying “hypocrite” is not even TRYING to do anything themselves to avoid animal products out of care for animals or out of care for the environment. Everyone who DOES try to show a bit of kindness in whatever degree or form, should have a “kudos to you!” said to them, not more unkind questions such as why they choose to eat a plantbased substitute for an animal product. If one thinks that “substituters” are hypocrites, they should keep that to themselves and stay silent. It ain’t an easy “game to play” living’ in this world: a lot of us started out as meat eaters out of genuine “innocent” ignorance and the misguided attitude that we need animal protein to be strong and healthy. It might have been taught us this way by parents and yeah by the whole industry and even our education system. We humans naturally make a load of mistakes on the way while trying to find out what is good, right, healthy… etc., for mind, body and spirit. I would also say that a lot of people who are accustomed to eating meat are also very kind ,affable people at heart and would not just quip on with “big -mouthy name calling”; if we have truly understood the pain and suffering of the Earthly existence ( human life which includes the pressures of things such as jobs, family upkeep, home upkeep, and other struggles with things such as mental and physical illness) we would not use our extra bits of energy that we have left, on gossipy activities such as picking on other vegans’ food choices. Life is stressful enough already: over judgemental behaviour and name calling should be “reserved” for the playground of 4 year old kids who might have “a bit of energy to play with”. But yes, in truth actually a lot of 4 year olds and other children have a lot more “wisdom” and love, and less restlessness, than those adults who think they are so smart that they should pick on others. We need to revert back to our “childlike” selves: to be more mindful, silent but curiously observant, and speaking out mostly to commend what is good and life- affirmative. If my friend has gone from meat- eater to vegetarian, I would pat him/ her on the back. If I know about people from whom I, as an “aspiring vegan”, can become more vegan in my behaviour and thinking, I would be grateful and very happy to learn from them. Every little positive thing we do should be seen as that: positive. There is no need for “bitching” when we are already living in a suffering world. Therefore yes, I definitely say: I admit I myself for personal reasons may find that some vegan “meat substitutes” are a bit intense and remind me too much of meat, and so I would not eat them perhaps, but I definitely SUPPORT all the companies who endeavour to manufacture meat substitutes and dairy substitutes etc. to help people have the opportunity to make COMPASSIONATE CHOICES. It’s all good!! And if today everyone swaps one animal based product at mealtimes for a vegan one, that is a step in the right direction, imho. Thanks for hearing me, brothers and sisters💜
Thank you for the comment and your opinion! 🙂
Great read Pelagia and Mary.
The name calling is where I draw the line. Like you said, being vegan is a lifestyle choice therefore you may have some bumps in the road but I don’t think that makes you a hypocrite. The idea is to continue to make better choices that fits with your beliefs, so if one chooses to consume meat substitutes that’s their business, not mine. In anything we do, we should do our best and if we stumble, get back up and work at it again.
Thank you for your comment!:)